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Township looking for volunteers to serve on the Zoning Hearing Board

There is a vacancy on the Easttown Zoning Hearing Board for a term ending December 2022 and the township is requesting anyone interested to send an application. Information is posted on the Easttown Township website. Applicants are requested to apply by March 19.

The Zoning Hearing Board is a Township Board made up of volunteers. It decides a limited number of specific issues under the township zoning ordinance. Those issues include:

1) whether a variance should be granted under the standards of “hardship” in the ordinance;

2) whether a special exception should be granted under the relevant rules, and;

3) whether certain permits including demolition of historic properties were properly granted

The Board has consisted of four or five members from which panels of three members are selected based on interest and availability. While the board addresses issues in the context of laws, engineering and architecture, no special degrees or experience is required.

Anyone with an interest in these issues should consider applying. This Board’s focus is more limited than the Planning Commission’s and Supervisors’ and generally is not as great a demand on your time. We certainly benefit as a community from the volunteers who step forward.

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